QR Code Matic Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
This privacy policy, Medyax Bilişim Hizmetleri Co. Ltd. , hereinafter referred to as the "Company", applies to the QR Code software and related services operated by. This policy explains how the Company protects the privacy of its customers and users

Collection and Use of Personal Data
The Company will collect the minimum personal data necessary for the provision of QR code software and services. This data may include information such as users' name, contact information and preferences. Personal data collected will be used only for specific purposes. These purposes may generally include service provision, customer support, marketing activities and compliance with legal requirements. The Company will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data collected. Data will be protected against unauthorized access, disclosure or modification.

Data Sharing
The company does not undertake to share users' personal data with third parties, but may share this data in case of legal requirements or the user's explicit consent. The Company may work with external service providers, and these providers will be obliged to process user data solely on behalf of the Company and for specific purposes.

Children's Privacy
The Company will not knowingly or willingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If it is discovered that a child's information has been collected, this information will be deleted immediately.

User Rights
Users have the right to obtain information about their personal data, access, correction, deletion and transfer. They can contact the Company to exercise these rights. Users can withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data at any time.

Changes and Updates
This privacy policy may be updated or changed as necessary. In case of any updates, the changes will be published and made effective on the website or application.

Please contact us with any questions or feedback regarding this privacy policy. This policy clearly explains how users' personal data is processed and protected and ensures that users are informed about this.

QR Code Design Examples

QR Codes are not just black and white squares. Well-designed QR Codes can be both aesthetic and functional, reflecting your brand's identity and attracting the attention of your users. Customize your QR Codes using your brand colors and logo. QR Codes can be diversified with different designs and features. Standard, transparent, banner, colored, logo and framed QR Codes address different needs and usage areas. By choosing the right QR Code type, you can achieve the best result both aesthetically and functionally.