QR Code Matic

Definition and History of QR Codes

QR Code Matic
Definition and History of QR Codes

QR Codes are a 2-dimensional barcode system developed by Denso Wave, a Japanese automation company, in 1994. Unlike traditional barcodes, QR Codes have more storage capacity and can be read in any direction. The main purpose of QR Codes is to provide fast data transfer and readability. Originally designed for industrial uses, QR Codes are now widely used in many fields such as advertising, education, health and marketing.

The use of QR Codes has begun to rise significantly with the spread of mobile technologies. These codes, which were originally used for parts tracking in the Japanese automotive industry, have become readable via smartphones and have reached a wide user base. QR Codes can direct users to websites, store contact information, and more with a simple scan. Therefore, QR Codes have become one of the indispensable tools of the digital world.

Awareness of QR Codes has increased, especially with efforts to minimize contact during the COVID-19 epidemic. Restaurants and other businesses have used QR Codes to present their menus or products as a way to minimize contact. QR Codes are also frequently used to store and digitally share COVID-19 vaccination certificates. This shows that QR Codes have evolved as a tool that not only conveys information but also facilitates daily life.

QR Code Design Examples

QR Codes are not just black and white squares. Well-designed QR Codes can be both aesthetic and functional, reflecting your brand's identity and attracting the attention of your users. Customize your QR Codes using your brand colors and logo. QR Codes can be diversified with different designs and features. Standard, transparent, banner, colored, logo and framed QR Codes address different needs and usage areas. By choosing the right QR Code type, you can achieve the best result both aesthetically and functionally.